Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today, a customer/friend stopped by my office and handed me a bookmark that she had made for me. No long conversation. All she said was, "I made this for you." Its a simple bookmark with a prayer printed on it that has been laminated. I taped it to my monitor at work as a constant reminder as to what my focus should be.....

Help Us, Lord Jesus
(Author Unknown but it may have been my customer/friend who wrote it...)

Help us to make you known in our lives, Lord Jesus. When people see us and know us let them see You in us.

Help us to understand who You are. Help us to know You personally and intimately in our individual lives.

Help us to walk daily with You. Help us to repent when we fall. Help us to give abundant thanks when you forgive and pick us up, again and again.

In the name of our Lord and Savior, You, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen and Amen.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Life Change Chronicles Continue...

Well, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot update the Chronicles daily....I have a life people. I know my faithful readers (all 2 of them) (who NEVER comment on the awesomesness...sadness and tears) have been dying for here is an update.

I'm down 13 lbs. Woo hoo! This past weekend was rough - I ate a whole lotta yumminess that was full of badness, but still lost weight. It will probably catch up to me later in the week.

Hubby and I have decided to give each other an insentive to lose once a week, we weigh in and get paid. Cash. Moola. Green Stuff (not to be confused with "Green" Stuff). We get paid $1/pound, but also have to give back $1/pound for any weight gain. Since Hubby has lost over 30 pounds, I agreed to retroactive the payday. I'm such a reasonable gal!

So our dinners for the week are consisting of fish or chicken, veggies, and brown rice. Last night I cooked up some tilapia fillets in our Turbo Cooker (yes, the as seen on TV cooker). The only thing I've cooked in it so far is fish. We also own the Onion Chopper and think it is one of the best inventions ever.

We are both trying to work out twice a day, totaling 1 hour. I'm feeling the workout today especially in my ab area. Doing pretend hula hoops for 10 minutes really works over the abs!

I need to blog a little more about other family happenings - like the kiddos birthdays, family reunion, my amazing new hair do, and the spring "blizzard" for 2009.

So, until next time...peace out.