Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Hunting" Day

My fantastic hubby really enjoys hunting (mostly deer and turkey). He took Austin to go "hunting" a couple times last year and decided it was time to go out again this year. The icky part is that it is squirrel season. I told my hunter hubby that there was NO WAY ON EARTH I would eat squirrel. They are only one step above a rat for goodness sake. Michael reassured me that he wasn't doing the hunting - but that Austin would be - which made me extremely thankful since more than likely, he wouldn't actually hit a squirrel. Uncle David (Michael's brother) has a small rifle, a cricket, that is just Austin's size. The little guy has shot it a few times (with ample supervision - don't worry, the boy knows better than to even look at a gun without having Michael or David next to him) and really enjoys it.

So, a couple weekends ago was the first hunting day of the season for the boys. Since I had to blog about the experience, my sweet hubby took along the camera. Little did I know he would get rather literal when I asked him to document everything. I cracked up when he showed me all the pictures and told me what captions to here is the story in picture/caption form.

First off was a bit of target practice for Austin...

Then all the boys loaded up into Grandpa's truck in search of "danger" search of squirrels or whatever else they could legally shoot...

Austin quickly realized the REAL danger was Grandpa's music. It really isn't bad music - just not in tune with the likings of a 7 year old....

Once the hunting gang made it to their final destination, they all quickly realized there were dangers everywhere...

Like thorns...

And wasps....

And poison ivy!

While on the hunt, they also discovered a creek but were still in search of those pesky squirrels..

Sadly, they never saw any squirrels; however, they did come across the dreaded crab apple. (yes I'm aware that it doesn't look very dangerous, but trust me, those things are deadly!)

Austin quickly grabbed his gun (well, Uncle David handed it to him), aimed, and fired...

All this "hunting" can really build up an appetite. Thankfully, Grandpa had snacks...

Overall, my guys had an awesome father/son day and hopefully will get to do it again soon.

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