Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mother and Friend

I have a cool mom. She is one of my best friends, and I love spending time with her.

Growing up she gave me perm after perm (first one being when I was 3!!), let me play in her makeup (I still love doing that), and did Jane Fonda workout videos every morning (I even joined in sometimes for fun...weird to think of it as fun now but I was little).

I was a handful - either totally happy or totally not. I'm still kinda like that now, but a little bit more mature.

I remember fondly my friends and me sitting on my parents bed chatting with my mom. As a teen, I never really got that whole embarrassment about being with your mom. She was cool. She still is!

In high school, I would often remind my mother that she wasn't a teenager herself and that my friends weren't her age. It was a on-going joke between us. (Not in a creepy Maury Povich Show kind of way) She never completely believed me that she came across that way - as if my friends were her bff's too, but she totally did it all the time. Many might see this as weird, but you have to understand my mom. She is silly and fun and kind hearted. She rarely gets angry (stand back when she does), and always gives good advice. She is just an awesome person.

Well, freshman year of college, mom was helping me move into the dorms. I saw a girl I knew and said hello, chatting for a minute and then got on the elevator. While on our ride up, mom stated, "Oh, she seemed so nice. Is she our age?" (She said it dead serious too) I quickly looked at her with a smile and stated, "No, mom. She is MY age." We both cracked up.

She will always be young at heart, no matter what age her license says! Love you mom!!

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